You have a choice if you are a new member. You can click on the Membership Form button above, print out, and mail the form to the address listed. Your dues can be mailed with the application if you choose this method. OR you can choose to do the online submittable form and pay online by completing the form below.
Click on the button to pay your membership dues for 2025.
They are $25. Thank you for your support.
They are $25. Thank you for your support.
If you need to contact the president of AAG for questions or concerns, call 276-492-8314 or email
AAG Officers and Board Members:
President: Victoria Fletcher, Vice President: JC Schweingrouber, Secretary: Linda Hoagland, Treasurer: Dan Swanson, Tidings Newsletter: Sylvia Nickels, Publicity: JC Schweingrouber and Linda Hoagland, Website blogger: JC Schweingrouber, Website and Membership: Victoria Fletcher Zoom Coordinator: Kari Kilgore Board members-at-large: Addie Davis and Jason Houghton |