If you are a member of the Appalachia Authors Guild and reading this right now, take this as our challenge to you to participate in NaNoWriMo. The goal isn’t an easy one. The challenge is to write a novel during the month, or at least get a start with the goal of writing 50,000 words or more. For some of our more seasoned authors, this challenge is just another day at the keyboard. However, for many of us it is an opportunity to jump head first into the challenge and encourage each other along the way. Even if you don’t finish an entire novel in a month, you will have likely had one of the most creative and accomplished periods in your writing career.
So, let’s take a count. How many of you are accepting the challenge? If you aren’t a member of the guild, we hope you’ll consider joining right away, reaching out to us, and finding encouragement and friendship along the journey in this art form that we are all so passionate about.
If you accept the challenge make sure to mention by commenting below. Don’t forget to update us on how many words you completed by the end of November. Make plans to be creative! Make a commitment to succeed.