Welcome Brenda!
GM: Your first book, a children’s book, The Dolls on the Old Stairway, was released in 2000. What was the premise for this book? Does it hold found childhood memories of your life growing up in Southwest Virginia?
BCM: The Dolls on the Old Stairway just "sort of happened". I purchased two dolls at a craft store and set them on my stairway. I have a country home so they had to have country names, thus: Susie Mae and Sallie Jo. As I passed by the stairway each day a story began to form in my mind...in rhyming form. Eventually, I wrote down the story, but it was a couple of years before I got up the nerve to send it to hire an illustrator and have it published.
GM: The author of many books, how do you maintain thoughts and ideas?
BCM: 'Pon My Honor makes five books. I am an avid reader; to me that's a must for a writer. The ideas just begin buzzing around in my head, often at three or four o'clock in the morning. I don't go to my computer at that time, but try to get the ideas written down early the next morning. Sometimes the ideas come while I'm driving and I find the nearest parking lot, pull in, and jot down the ideas.
GM: You are a prolific writer and well-known throughout your region for your writing and speaking engagements. Where is your favorite venue to talk about writing and your life as an author?
BCM: I like to share my books and talk about writing to any group that is truly interested in writing. Book-selling is fine, but I love to promote writing...especially reminiscent writing. We need to get our stories down for our children and grandchildren. Our stories must not be lost!
GM: Living on a farm must bring tons of inspiration and ideas. Do you create your storylines based upon your own life and events, or are you more of a creative writer?
BCM: My life , heritage, and surroundings play an enormous part in my writing. I am a country girl through and through. I loved growing up in the country and I love living on a farm. There's just nothing like it.
GM: Of all of the characters and scenarios you have written about, do you have a favorite adventure/character?
BCM: One-Eyed Tom is my favorite book and "Carrie" is my favorite character. It was the book I HAD to write...the story I had to tell. I actually never intended to write more but the "bees kept buzzing."
GM: Who is your favorite author? Your favorite book/novel?
BCM: I have many favorite authors, among them John Steinbeck, Ray Bradbury, Silas House, just to name a few. One of my favorite books is The Grapes of Wrath.
GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?
BCM: Yes. WRITE! Get those ideas on paper...or computer. Tell the story! You can edit it later. Just WRITE IT DOWN! Also, be yourself. Readers can "spot a fake."
GM: What is the premise for your new 2017 book release ‘Pon My Honor!?
BCM: This is a collection I have been working on for many years...stories about growing up in the country, stories I have been told about other members of my family through the years, poems about country life. It comes straight from the heart and I tell the good, the bad, and the ugly!
GM: What has been the greatest reward to date in your writing career?
BCM: The greatest reward to date was sitting by my mother's bedside in her last months and reading One-Eyed Tom to her. It was based on her father and as I read to her it erased a lot of her shame and hurt for the things he did and the pain he brought to her family. I am also rewarded when I hand a copy of each book to my three children.
More about Brenda…
From the time she was a child, Brenda loved to read and write stories, devouring the Nancy Drew Mysteries and The Hardy Boys. She was never bored as long as there was a book in her hand. She began writing, also, at an early age. Brenda graduated from Honaker High School in 1965. She graduated from UVA Wise (then called Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia), with a Bachelor of Science in Education. The most rewarding time of her life was teaching in the Russell County School System. Throughout those years she continued to read and write, teaching both. She taught writing classes for middle school students and conducted writing workshops for teachers. She continues to teach writing workshops today, as well as teaching Bible Studies, genealogy research, and reminiscent writing. In 2000 Brenda published her first book, a children’s book, The Dolls on the Old Stairway. However, her dream was to write a novel, and One-Eyed Tom, was the fulfillment of that dream. It became the first in a trilogy, followed by A Place to Belong and To Everything There is a Season. In 2017, ‘Pon My Honor!, her fifth book, was released, another dream come true, and the culmination of several years of work. It is stories from her life growing up in the country.
Brenda is a member of the Appalachian Authors’ Guild and Reminiscent Writers of Southwest Virginia Community College. She travels the area, speaking to groups about writing techniques and sharing her books. She and husband Jimmie live on his little family farm in the Big A Mountain section of Honaker, where they enjoy peace, tranquility, and good neighbors. They have three children and seven grandchildren, not to mention their cows, each having a name and a place in the Musick family.
Connect with Brenda... http://[email protected]
Gina McKnight (GM) is a fellow AAG member and enjoys connecting with other writers. To share your story, email Gina at [email protected]